Lily of the Valley

Fall Planning for Favorite Spring Flowers

Lily of the Valley / Convallaria Majalis

Lily of the Valley / Convallaria Majalis

Lily of the Valley are the official flower of May Day. May Day is an ancient Northern European festival celebrating the coming of the spring. Traditionally, bouquets or baskets of Lily of the Valley flowers are given to loved ones and neighbors on May 1st.

bouquet of lilies of the valley

There is a home in the heart of Brooklyn whose front door is flanked with impressive planters that brim with Lily of the Valley flowers in mid-April through May. The scent and the happy look of the lilies make this home the most welcoming on the street.

When to plant

Lily of the Valley are woodland plants and they like the shade and chilly temperatures. They can thrive in growing zones 3 to 8. Click Here for US GROWING ZONES

To have flowers by May 1st, Lily of the Valley pips need to planted in November or December before a consistent freeze sets in. What is a pip? A pip is the small bulb-like rhizome/rootstock that when planted, will grow into a plant. Keep in mind, Lily of the Valley are perennials and get their full stride in their second blooming season. Don’t give up if the first year isn’t as abundant as you would like.


Where to plant

Lily of the Valley can thrive as forest ground cover; they love dappled light. They are considered invasive and will take over flower beds. Therefore, containers and planters work well. When these perennials have finished flowering, they leave behind beautiful dark green leaves that complement summer annuals.

lily of the valley

How to plant

Soak pips in water for 1 or up to 3 hours. Dig 2 inch holes 6 inches apart and plant pips roots down and sprout-like top half an inch covered. Soil needs to be rich with good drainage. Give newly planted pips a good drink and then, they will be relatively self sufficient. These perennials will spread even in a planter and by thinning them out by simply removing pips in November to maintain 6 inches between, they will bloom abundantly for years to come.

Potted Lily of the Valley flowering plants are certainly an option in April although a bit hard to find.

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